
I have the following property on an object, which is working fine:

class VulnResDesc:
    def rawvulns(self):
        return VulnRes.select(
              and_(VulnRes.c.targetid == self.targetid,
                   VulnMap.c.tool == VulnRes.c.tool,
                   VulnMap.c.toolvulnid == VulnRes.c.toolvulnid,
                   VulnMap.c.vulndescid == self.id))

The role of VulnMap is a bit funky in the query, but this is intentional.
Now, I am trying to code this as a relation instead of a property, the
following is what I've got so far:

VulnResDesc.mapper.add_property('rawvulns', relation(VulnRes.mapper,
    primaryjoin = and_(VulnRes.c.targetid == VulnResDesc.c.targetid,
                       VulnMap.c.vulndescid == VulnResDesc.c.id,
                       VulnMap.c.tool == VulnRes.c.tool,
                       VulnMap.c.toolvulnid == VulnRes.c.toolvulnid),
    foreign_keys = [VulnResDesc.c.targetid, VulnResDesc.c.id]))

This almost works, but it returns a single object, which I was expecting a
list. Any ideas what's up?

BTW, the reason I want to recode this is I'm hoping to use the eagerloader.
Still, to start with I'll settle for just getting it to work lazily :-)


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