
I wanted an in-depth understanding of what goes on in connection
management in sqlalchemy.  I want to use sqlalchemy for it's
connection management but I'm planning on building my own custom orm.
I just can't deal with assign_mapper and the stuff that goes on
underneath the covers.  I've been bitten way too many times and it's
really sucking time out of development.  I do want to use sqlalchemy
for connection management.  I'm using pylons as my framework and am
hoping to get rid of sqlalchemy sessions etc..

I want to do the following and wanted advice on whether this makes

I want to use MetaData() to return an object passed in it is the db
uri.  I want the connection object returned back to me from the meta.

meta = MetaData(db_uri)

#getting the connection object
conn = meta.connect  <-- is this correct

Now, I want to start a transaction and then commit or rollback upon
exception using the connection object versus using

Would this work?  Does calling meta = MetaData(db_uri) in the module
make it so that we don't end up calling create_engine multiple times
and creating connections multiple times?  Will connection management
be handled for me?  Am I getting the connection object in the right

What if I were to do the following in my module:

engine = create_engine(...)
connection = engine.conn....


Would this create a new connection everytime, or would it fetch it
from the connection pool since these are more like dbapi than

Could somebody please help me understand all of this?

Much appreciated,


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