On Monday 16 July 2007 18:21:42 Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Jul 16, 2007, at 10:45 AM, svilen wrote:
> > i think it is not a problem to store as many keys as there are
> > identical levels in polymorphism/inheritance as long as this is
> > synchronized with type of inheritance.
> > i.e. joined-table inheritance chains (and single table maybe) are
> > ok as is, anything concrete-table in between changes the game. As
> > for the concrete, i think it can be done same as with
> > polymorphism - storing composite keys (type,id) where just keys
> > are ambigious.
> >
> > but i bet noone has ever wanted mixed inheritance, no? (:-)
> well this has been coming up in other ways lately too.  if you map
> inheritance like this (forgive my entirely made up table syntax):
> table a (
>     id primary key
> )
> table b(
>     id primary key
>     a_id foreign key a.id
> )
> SA makes the primary key of B to be (a.id, b.id), since theres a pk
> in both tables...you have to call get() as get(1,2).  this stems
> from just, i was trying to put as few opinions as possible
> anywhere.
> but this is silly.  unless we were supporting some kind of
> inheritance  where B1 would be (1,1) and B2 would be (1, 2), i.e.
> sharing a row of "A" between two instances, theres no reason the
> primary key shouldnt be just (a.id).  but then, maybe someone does
> want to do that ?  we always wanted to allow as much hackery as
> possible.
add somehow an explicit control which columns constitute the primary 
key (and do autoguess only if nothing specified)? e.g. currently u 
can add uniqConstraint etc explicitly, but cannot touch the 
primary-key stuff.

> what i think i might try to do today, in 0.4, is to calculate the
> "primary key" columns of a mapper against its bottommost inherited
> mapper, when "concrete" is not present (as usual, concrete cases
> get thrown by the wayside for now....).   and *then*, the
> "identity_key" would also get created against the bottommost mapper
> located in this process as well (so yes, (Person, (x,)) in all
> cases).
> that would actually fix a lot of things....in most cases ppl
> wouldnt have to be calling get(x,y,z) or assembling distinct
> primary keys to achieve it.
> if they do want the hackery mentioned above, *then* they can put an
> explicit primary_key on their mapper for that.
i dont know of such sql hackeries, i guess they might be possible, the 
language is powerful enough.

Storing just the base-most class would solve some (speed) issues, but 
others will remain - for each Class u'll have to do 
 1 get mapper for the Class
 2 find the Base - the base-most mapper - or first concrete one 
towards root
 3 constitute identity key from that and look it up.
so it's 2 lookups + a hierarchy descent to the base.
i think u can make an optional shortcut (some mapper config), which 
will store keys for all mappers between Class and Base, thus avoiding 
the need for step 2, eventualy 1. It's a tradeoff ofcourse, speed vs 
size of identity_map. It'll be small gain comparing to querying vs 
non querying, but still a gain...

As for concrete-ism, while doing/supporting mixed inheritance in 
principle i found that concrete-table things behave like 
offsetted "roots", i.e. all things start a new from them. (sawrap: 
that's in make_klas_selectable() func + the big comment after it, as 
well in the as make_mapper ).

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