On Jul 19, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Arun Kumar PG wrote:

> Apologies for not responding for a while Was stuck in the project.
> Ok. So this is what happening The mapped objects are created during  
> the first time request to the application. So create_engine is  
> getting called one time only passing in the creator as a lambda:  
> db_obj where db_obj is the ref to method returning MySQldb connection.
> starting over again.. request comes, handled by a thread in the  
> threadpool, check if mapped objects are already created or not. If  
> yes return else create mapped objects (create_engine()... as  
> mentioned above) and thread returned back to the pool. (FYI: this  
> is an httpserver having a threadpool for request handling)
> Subsequent request now does not create mapped objects or create  
> engine. It simply uses the existing mapped objects and does ORM  
> actions.
> The problem was coming when lazy loading happens during multiple  
> requests. I guess the underlying connection pool (in case of using  
> creator approach) is not using threadlocal approach as different  
> connections are checked in/out when I look at the pool log and  
> exchanged as well among different request handling threads.

OK, this is exactly the issue; youre caching mapped objects, which  
have unfired lazy loaders, and then sharing those mapped objects  
among threads.   The lazy loader needs to consult a session in order  
to load its contents, since thats where the ORM locates information  
about how to get a connection (for example, if your sessions are  
bound to engines, and not your tables, this would be essential).  The  
session, when its inside of a SessionTransaction as well as within a  
flush() process, holds onto a single pooled connection to do its  
work.  If another thread accesses the session during this time, youll  
get a conflict.

> Also, is the underlying connection pool use threadlocal strategy in  
> case of using creator approach while creating engine  ? don't know  
> if strategy flag is for that ?
> However, when i passed in a pool.QueuePool instance with  
> use_threadlocal= True everything worked just fine.

when you do that, the QueuePool will return the same connection for a  
particular thread which was already in use.  this is part of what  
happens when you use create_engine('...', strategy='threadlocal').   
However it doesnt have any ability to stop you from sharing one of  
those checked-out connections with another thread.  It shouldn't  
change anything here, actually; the session still checks out a  
connection, and holds onto it during a transaction or flush() and  
that's still the same connection it will hand out to any other thread  
during that time.

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