And again you made my day...

On Jul 24, 7:17 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had to put one little "trick" in here to make the subquery -  
> <something> work, which is something i should look into; otherwise it  
> went straight in.
> from sqlalchemy import *
> transaction = table('transaction',
>          column('id'),
>          column('id_product'),
>          column('price'),
>          column('quantity')
>      )
> f1 = transaction.alias('f1')
> f2 = transaction.alias('f2')
> subquery = select([func.coalesce(func.sum(f2.c.quantity))], and_
> (>, f2.c.id_product==bindparam('f2item')), scalar=True)
> s = select([, subquery.label('foo') - bindparam('offset').label
> ('offset')], and_(
>          f1.c.id_product==bindparam('f1item'),
>          bindparam('something') <= subquery
>          ) , order_by=[desc(], limit = 1
> )
> print s
> I think in 0.4 im going to deprecate "scalar=True" and instead have  
> you
> On Jul 24, 2007, at 9:38 AM, Koen Bok wrote:
> > I need to do a cumulative select on postgres, and I got it to work
> > with some extreme SQL query, but I was wondering if it could be done
> > more easily without having to drop to SQL but with SQLAlchemy
> > statements.
> > Let's say I have a table with stock transactions like this:
> > Transaction
> >    id
> >    id_product
> >    price
> >    quantity
> > And it is filled like this:
> > 1  1       12      10
> > 2  1       13      5
> > 3  1       12      3
> > 4  1       11      6
> > 5  1       10      5
> > Now at moment X my stock is 13 and I want to know the costs for each
> > product in my stock. So I add a cumulative column to select on and
> > expect to get the last three rows back as their cumulative total is <=
> > as my stock:
> >                            CUM
> > 1  1       12      10      29
> > 2  1       13      5       19
> > 3  1       12      3       14      this
> > 4  1       11      6       11      this
> > 5  1       10      5       5       and this...
> > Extra info:
> > This is the query I currently use to get the transaction ID and offset
> > back:
> >,
> >    (
> >            SELECT
> >                    coalesce(sum(quantity), 0)
> >            FROM transaction f2
> >            WHERE>
> >            AND f2.id_item = %s
> >    ) - %s as offset
> > FROM
> >    transaction f1
> > AND f1.id_item = %s
> > AND %s <= (
> >            SELECT
> >                    coalesce(sum(quantity), 0)
> >            FROM transaction f2
> >            WHERE>
> >            AND f2.id_item = %s
> >    )

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