okay. first cut of metadatadiff:

... test changes:
    class Address( o2r.Base):
        size  = Text()          #change type
        place = Text2()         #change type-details
    class Employee( o2r.Base):  #inheritance gone - was off Person
        jobe = Text()           #change name
    class Employee2( Person):   #new class
        lazy = Text()

$ python metadatadiff.py
DiffMetaData : None
  tables ins [Table('Employee2',.....)]
  tables sub [<DiffTable instance >, <DiffTable instance >]
  DiffTable : Employee
    columns ins [Column( 'jobe', String, )]
    columns del [Column( 'job', String, )]
    columns sub [<DiffColumn instance >]
    DiffColumn : db_id
      foreign_keys del [ForeignKey('Person.db_id')]
  DiffTable : Address
    columns sub [<DiffColumn instance >, <DiffColumn instance >]
    DiffColumn : place
      data {'type': (String(length=None,convert_unicode=False),
    DiffColumn : size
      data {'type': (Integer(),

not too bad...

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