This would be a new name available in 0.4 which would produce the same
Session that we are familiar with, except it would be by default
transactional and autoflushing.  The create_session() function stays
around and does what it always did, producing a regular session which
you flush().

Its currently implemented in the trunk, and we think we will probably
release 0.4 as a beta since we really need to get you guys playing
with it, but not in that "i just put it on production and it broke"
kind of way.

The transactional/autoflushing session would work like this:

>>> sess = Session()
>>> u = User(name='john')

>>> # user is available immediately, as its flushed by
>>> # the time we query
>>> sess.query(User).filter_by(name='john').one()

>>> # persist data to the database permanently
>>> sess.commit()

flush() is still there and does what it always did, should you want to
call it explicitly.  I also would be resurrecting a very old function
that's just been hidden all this time, which I think might be nice,
which is rollback():

>>> # change john's name
>>> = 'ed'

>>> # rollback changes.  rolls back the transaction *and* in memory changes
>>> sess.rollback()
>>>  # user's name back to 'john'.  works for collections too.

>>> # close the session
>>> sess.close()

One caveat of the above is that, particularly with Postgres, you
*really* need to commit or close the session when you're done, to
release connection resources..postgres locks aggressively.

Advantages to this new approach:

- queries return everything you've just done in the session
automatically without any need to call flush(); theres no more
disconnect between the objects you save() and update() in the session
and your queries.
- this is how Hibernate has always worked, so its a pretty proven
model (except for the rollback part)
- in particular, a new kind of relation we have called a "dynamic"
relation makes good use of this; its basically a Query tacked on to a
special collection which receives only append() and remove() events.
all iteration and array operations from this relation query the
database immediately.
- transactional behavior means the Session uses a single connection,
then holds onto it for a large set of operations.  this improves
consistency and puts less stress on the connection pool.
- the transaction also allows autoflush and rollback() to make more need to worry that things were flushed too soon.


"magical" - now, you might have FlushErrors being raised when all you
wanted to do was issue a Query. this might be confusing.
- issues more SQL - if you are manipulating objects and querying as
well, by the time you get to commit() you may have flushed many times,
whereas previously you would only have flushed once at the end.
- transactional - you really need to close() and/or commit() the
session, if its going to continue hanging around; it references
connection/transactional resources.  Postgres in particular really
likes to hang up if tables are still locked (although i notice this
mostly with our unit tests which have to DROP tables a lot).
- transactional again - a lot of you use MySQL with ISAM tables, these
are not transactional.  might get inconsistent results.

while we have both Session() and create_session() in the trunk now,
Session() would be what we document going forward.  flags to make it
act other ways are still available, like autoflush/transactional.

any thoughts ?

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