
      I have a medium sized python project that deals with SQLalchemy
to talk to a database.  The thing about this project is that it
doesn't define a database layout itself.  It is a project that you
include in other projects to provide additional database
functionality.  One of the more important features is creating data
entry forms for your tables (using Toscawidgets).

      Toscawidgets forms are expensive to create over and over, so we
use a caching system to save execution time.  This works great unless
there is a foreign key in the table.  Because the widget is cached, it
is not privy to the new information unless it is reformed or
explicitly told there is new information.

      Currently, the solution is to query the database every time the
page is reloaded so that the widget stays current.  I would like to
convert to an event driven system (re-populate the widgets only when
necessary) but have hit a snag.  In order to update the correct
widgets, I would need to create a list of tables that rely on the
table being added to/updated/deleted from.  I played around with the
column objects but was unable to find a way to do what I needed.

     I thought about using the backref mapper-property system but not
everybody defines them so I might miss a few fields doing it that way.

     if anybody has done something like this before or has any
insight, I would appreciate it.

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