I'm trying to make sequences in the Oracle database.
Here's my model
def init():
        #conf = paste.deploy.CONFIG
        #uri = conf['sqlalchemy.dburi']
        if 'login' in session:
                conf = paste.deploy.CONFIG
                uri = conf['sqlalchemy.dburi']  /// Admin rights here
        engine = create_engine(uri, convert_unicode=True)
#       meta.bind = engine
        engine.echo = True

application_sequence = Sequence('Application_id_seq', optional=True)
application_table = Table ( 'Application', meta,
        Column('ID_Application',          Integer, application_sequence,
        Column('ID_Seller',               Integer, nullable=False),
        Column('ID_Lot',                  Integer, nullable=False),
        Column('ID_Sell',                 Integer, nullable=False),
        Column('Text_Application',        String(2048)),
        Column('Date_Start_Application',  DateTime,
        Column('ID_Status',               Integer),
        Column('Date_Change_Application', DateTime),
        Column('Date_Finish_Application', DateTime),
        ForeignKeyConstraint(['ID_Sell', 'ID_Lot'], ['data.Lot.ID_Sell',
'data.Lot.ID_Lot'], ondelete="CASCADE"),

Websetup is done like this

def setup_config(command, filename, section, vars):
        conf = paste.deploy.appconfig('config:' + filename)

        uri = conf['sqlalchemy.dburi_data'] // Here i log in as the Data
        engine = create_engine(uri)
        print "Connecting to database %s ..." % uri

#   Add some basic values into the table.....

Everything works fine during websetup. It adds the values in the
table, since i assume it can see the Sequence.

But during the work with the model, since it logs in as different
Schema, it cann't see the Sequence.

After that i changed it to
application_doc_sequence = Sequence('data.APPLICATION_DOC_ID_SEQ',
the model can see it just well, works great. But when it comed to
websetup it fails.

After clearing the database by hand, i decided to take a look at how
websetup will handle it from the blank database.

Now it works, but when it comes to websetup it gives me this:
name is already used by an existing object

As it turns out it creates a sequence named
'data.APPLICATION_DOC_ID_SEQ', which is not exactly right i guess.
My assumption would be that they treat this string differently. Model
can see the schema to look for, but websetup takes literally as a
string but on the other hand refuses to delete it during drop_all.

Probably that's a well known issue and it's fixed in 0.4 or maybe it's
me (which is in fact far more likely since i'm new to alchemy).
Anyway, i'd be delighted if you guys will point it out to me.

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