I just installed the latest 0.3 version of SA (0.3.10).

How does one tell SqlAlchemy to cascade on delete within the TG layer?

I use MySql with InnoDB and I have ondelete cascade working on the
tables. So, if I delete an account, the user records are correctly

But with SA, deleting an account does not delete the user records.

I saw in SA docs a rough description of how to do ondelete cascade
using the passive_deletes=True arg in a mapper. But I'm not sure how
it applies through the TG layer.

I tried adding ondelete="CASCADE" to the ForeignKey constructor call
in the account column (below) based on example here:

This did not work. Child rows not deleted.
Any help much appreciated!

I have accounts with one-to-many users in model.py:

class User(ActiveMapper):
    Reasonably basic User definition. Probably would want additional
    class mapping:
        __table__ = "tg_user"
        user_id       = column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        user_name     = column(Unicode(16), unique=True)
        email_address = column(Unicode(255), unique=True)
        display_name  = column(Unicode(255))
        last_name     = column(Unicode(255))
        first_name    = column(Unicode(255))
        password      = column(Unicode(40))
        created       = column(DateTime, default=datetime.now)
        nonce         = column(Unicode(50))
   account       = column(Integer,
        primary       = column(Integer)

class Account(ActiveMapper):
    class mapping:
        __table__ = "account"
        id              = column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        account_name    = column(Unicode(50), unique=True)
        number          = column(Unicode(50), unique=True)
        gateway_cust_num= column(Unicode(50))
        created         = column(DateTime, default=datetime.now)
        company         = column(Unicode(50))
        address         = column(Unicode(50))
        address2        = column(Unicode(50))
        city            = column(Unicode(50))
        state           = column(Unicode(20))
        zip             = column(Unicode(20))
        phone           = column(Unicode(20))
        cc_last_4       = column(Unicode(10))
    users           = one_to_many('User')
        invoices        = one_to_many('Invoice')
        plan_id         = column(Integer)

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