On Aug 16, 2007, at 12:23 AM, Boris Dušek wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using sqlalchemy like this:
> class Entry: pass
> table1 = sqa.Table('table1', meta, autoload=True) # this table has
> primary key 'id'
> table2 = sqa.Table('table2', meta, sqa.Column('table1_id',
> sqa.Integer, sqa.ForeignKey('table1.id'), autoload=True)
> table1 = table1.join(table2) # gets joined on the ForeignKey, a.k.a.
> table2.table1_id == table1.id
> sqa_orm.mapper(Entry, table1)
> session = sqa_orm.create_session()
> entry = Entry()
> entry.a = 1
> ... # working with entry, setting values for all columns except id and
> table1_id
> session.save(entry)
> session.flush()
> But now, the entry in table2 gets stored, but with NULL value in
> table1_id column. I would expect sqlalchemy to be the same smart as it
> is already with the join, and set table2.table1_id to the
> corresponding table1.id, because it knows about the foreign key.

if you were using joined table inheritance with two mappers, it would  
figure this out.  but when mapping to just an arbitrary selectable,  
it doesnt make any assumptions.  in this particular case, you have to  
give it an explicit hint that the two columns are the same:

j = table1.join(table2)
mapper(Entry, j, properties={
    'id':[table1.c.id, table2.c.table1_id]

described at


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