On Aug 20, 2007, at 5:35 AM, stephen emslie wrote:

> Hi. I am using a self-referential mapper to represent a multi-level
> tree of parent-child relationships. Typically I've been querying each
> parent for children that I am interested in. Up till now I have made a
> new query for each child that I am looking for, which is doesn't seem
> like the most efficient way to approach this.
> I've found that 0.4's aliased joins are great for selecting parents
> based on their children, and can be eager-loaded to grab entire
> subtrees with a single query. However each parent in my table can have
> many children (and trees can many many levels deep) so eager loading
> root nodes can be a bit slow too.
> Ideally I would like to be able to eager load only the children that
> were involved in the join as those are the only ones that I am
> interested in, so that something like:
> parent_instance.children
> or equivalent, only loads children that were part of the original join
> rather than all of parent_instance's children. Is something like this
> possible? The closet that I've found is using add_entity after each
> join in my query.

so for me to get this straight, say you are searching for node N.   
you then are searching for an N such that a child node, two levels  
deep, has an attribute "foo" which equals "bar":


Then when youre done loading, you have N.  and youd like to load  
exactly 1 child node on N, but then the full set of children on  
*that* child.

The only thing we have which is like this (without writing out a  
query), is the "eagerload" option:


what that means is, the "children" attribute is lazy loading on the  
parent, but the "children" attribute on each of that parent's nodes  
are *eager* loading.   but I dont think this is exactly what you want.

The other way, is to construct your own eager-loading statement and  
set it up.  But youd have to set up "contains_eager" options all the  
way down the chain as you'd like nodes to be assembled.  So *maybe*  
combining contains_eager() with eagerload() can do it, such as:

my_eager_alias = mynodes.alias('mynodes')
query = query.filter(...wahtever criterion you're using...)
query = query.from_statement(select([mynodes, my_eager_alias],  
        .options(contains_eager('children', alias=my_eager_alias))

That will set the "children" attribute to eagerly load against your  
my_eager_alias criterion and also set "chilrdren.children" to eager  
load.  but the above is not something ive tested, its pretty exotic.

I think theres probably some relatively simple options we can be  
adding to Query here to support what you're trying to do....such as  
contains_eager('children', alias=myalias, add_columns=True) which  
would automatically add the columns to the Query's SELECT statement  
without needing to construct your from_statement() like we're doing  
above.  I'd be curious though if you could play around a little with  
the approach I just suggested to see if its at all workable ?

- mike

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