Currently, unable to find any solution for this problem. I think my
little knowledge with respect to
sqlalchemy is restricting me to get a solution for this issue. Anyone
with somewhat more in-depth
knowledge should be able to find a solution.


Pradeep Jindal

On Aug 25, 1:15 am, Pradeep Jindal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 24 August 2007 19:20:00 Gaetan de Menten wrote:
> > You might be interested by:
> > (also in the examples directory of SQLAlchemy)
> > On 8/24/07, praddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ##########################################################
> > > from sqlalchemy import *
> > > meta = BoundMetaData('sqlite://', echo=False)
> > > # Parents table.
> > > parents = Table('parents', meta,
> > >         Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
> > >         Column("data", String(50), nullable=False)
> > >         )
> > > # Children_1 Table.
> > > children_1 = Table('children_1', meta,
> > >         Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
> > >         Column("data", String(50), nullable=False)
> > >         )
> > > # Children_2 Table.
> > > children_2 = Table('children_2', meta,
> > >         Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
> > >         Column("data", String(50))
> > >         )
> > > # Association Table.
> > > # This is a generic table which can relate anything to parent.
> > > assoc = Table('assoc', meta,
> > >         #
> > >         Column("parent_id", Integer, ForeignKey(,
> > >         # associate's id either or or any
> > > other child.
> > >         Column("assoc_id", Integer),
> > >         # Which can be either 'child_1' or 'child_2' for now (can be used
> > > for extending children
> > >         # type, decides which table to look in.
> > >         Column("assoc_type", String(20))
> > >         )
> > > #######################################################
> > > I am a novice with respect to sqlalchemy & may be RDBMS as well.
> > > How would you like to work on this scenario to achieve backwards
> > > cascading (may not be the right word) which means when one deletes
> > > one specific child from children_1 table (for example), there should
> > > not be any
> > > association entry, which associates that child to the parent, in the
> > > association table as well?
> Thanks for the reply. I have already gone through that article, but was unable
> to figure out the solution. Anyways, I will give it one more try. Please note
> that this scenario is already there and I can't make any changes to the
> tables at all.
> Thanks
> - Pradeep Jindal

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