sorry for my bad sql, but where have u specified that link?
u should have something like

 foo.filter( (Main.chidlid==Child.childid) 
   & Child.othercolumn.in_('a', 'b', 'c') )
 foo.join( child).filter( Child.othercolumn.in_('a', 'b', 'c') )

(warning: the exact syntax may or may not be this, do check)

On Tuesday 28 August 2007 22:58:11 Kirk Strauser wrote:
> I have mappers configured for "main" and "child", and those tables
> are linked on main.childid=child.childid.  How can I use in() to
> get rows where child.othercolumn is in a list of values?  I'd like
> to do something like:
> foo = session.query(MainTable).filter_by(customer='CUSTNAME')
> foo = foo.filter(ChildTable.c.othercolumn.in_('bar', 'baz', 'qux'))
> Or, even better, some variant on:
> foo = session.query(MainTable).filter_by(customer='CUSTNAME')
> foo = foo.filter(othercolumn in ('bar', 'baz', 'qux'))
> When I try to do that, though, I get SQL like:
> SELECT main.value AS main_value, main.childid AS main_childid,
> child.childid AS child_childid, child.othercolumn AS
> child_othercolumn
> FROM testing.main, testing.child
> WHERE child.othercolumn IN (%(child_othercolumn)s,
> %(child_othercolumn_1)s, %(child_othercolumn_2)s) ORDER BY
> main.value
> which is really doing a cartesian join and never enforcing
> main.childid=child.childid.  Is there another way I should be
> approaching this?

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