
I'm new to SQL.
I have to execute the following SQL line, which updates a sequence
number. The table zseq_document_types_lookup has only one record with
this number.

update zseq_document_types_lookup set id=2;

I thought of retrieving the record with something like this:

class Sequence(object):

def someFunction():
    db = create_engine( ... )
    metadata = BoundMetadata( db )
    session = create_session( bind_to = self.db )
    table = Table('zseq_document_types_lookup', metadata,
    mapper(Sequence, table)

    'Fetch the only record in the table'
    sequenceNumber = session.query(Sequence).selectfirst()

    'Increment the sequence number'
    sequenceNumber.id += 1


BUT, it doesn't work. I get an error "Can't change the identity of
instance sequenceNumber"

My guess is that there is a better way of updating this record...

Thanks in advance!

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