When I try to load the database metadata via reflection:

        engine = create_engine(...)
        metadata = MetaData()
        metadata.bind = engine

It successfully loads all the tables and columns present; however, it does
not appear to load the unique constraints as well.  For example, I have a
table called "uid" in the database that is described as follows (Postgres):

    userid bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('userseq'),
    firstname character varying(255),
    initials character varying(255) UNIQUE,
    lastname character varying(255)

The psql \d uid output shows that the unique constraint is indeed there:

                                 Table "public.uid"
  Column   |          Type          |                   Modifiers

 userid    | bigint                 | not null default
 firstname | character varying(255) |
 initials  | character varying(255) |
 lastname  | character varying(255) |
    "uid_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (userid)
    "uid_initials_key" UNIQUE, btree (initials)

Is the SQLAlchemy "reflect" command just not designed to pick up these
unique constraints, or is there something I am missing?

Thank you!

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