My application has the following data model:

A promotion has 1 mechanic.
A promotion has 0 or more products.

I want to query for a list of promotions containing products whose name matches 
a pattern, and I want the resulting list to be sorted by a property on the 
promotion's mechanic.

This query does not work with SQLAlchemy 0.3.10 on PostgreSQL 8.1. It's because 
of the combination of using DISTINCT and ORDER BY on an table external to the 
main table for the object. (The use of DISTINCT is necessary because joining 
with the products table creates duplicate records. I'm showing the query 
results in a web application with 'n' records per page. Without DISTINCT, the 
ORM mapper will ignore the duplicates, but the record count for the query no 
longer reflects the actual number of objects to be returned, making it 
impractical to page through the data.)

The error is the following:

sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLError: (ProgrammingError) for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY
 expressions must appear in select list
 'SELECT DISTINCT promo_promotion.mechanic_id AS promo_promotion_mechanic_id, pr AS promo_promotion_id, AS promo_promotion_
name \nFROM promo_promotion JOIN prod_product ON = prod_produ
ct.promotion_id JOIN promo_mechanic ON = promo_promotion.mecha
nic_id \nWHERE lower( LIKE %(lower)s ORDER BY promo_mechanic.n
ame ASC' {'lower': '%1%'}

The same program works fine on SQLite.

I could write a similar query at the relational level that explicitly includes 
the sort field, but I'd prefer to work at the ORM level. Is there a way to do 

My test case is below.

Barry H.


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext import activemapper, sessioncontext

engine = None

def create_engine():
    global engine
    #engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite://')
    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgres://postgres:[EMAIL 

def create_session():
    return sqlalchemy.create_session(bind_to=engine)

def fuzzy_search(column, value):
    """Case insensitive search allowing partial string matches."""
    return func.lower(column).like('%%%s%%' % value.lower())

metadata = activemapper.metadata
session = activemapper.Objectstore(create_session)
activemapper.objectstore = session
# Classes

class Mechanic(object): pass
class Promotion(object):
    def __repr__(self):
      return 'Promotion: %s, mechanic=%s' % (,
class Product(object): pass

# Tables

mechanic_table = Table(
    'promo_mechanic', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', Unicode, unique=True))

promotion_table = Table(
    'promo_promotion', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', Unicode, unique=True),
    Column('mechanic_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')))

product_table = Table(
    'prod_product', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), 
    Column('name', Unicode),
    Column('promotion_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')))

# Mappings

assign_mapper(session.context, Mechanic, mechanic_table)
assign_mapper(session.context, Promotion, promotion_table, properties=dict(

assign_mapper(session.context, Product, product_table)

# Main program

import sys

#for t in metadata.tables.values():
#   t.create()

for i in range(1, 10):
    m = Mechanic(name='mech%d' % (10 - i))
    if i <= 5:
        products = [Product(name='1a'), Product(name='1b')]
        products = [Product(name='2a'), Product(name='2b')]
    promo = Promotion(name='promo%d' % (i), mechanic=m, products=products)

q = Promotion.query().distinct()
q = q.join('products')
q = q.filter_by(fuzzy_search(, '1'))
q = q.reset_joinpoint()
q = q.join('mechanic')
q = q.order_by(asc(

for promo in q:
    print 'promo: %s, Mechanic: %s' % (,

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