Jean-Philippe Dutreve wrote:
> I was using SA 0.3.9 to insert an item in an ordered list with bisect
> method insort (py 2.5):
>     mapper(Entry, table_entries)
>     mapper(Account, table_accounts, properties = dict(
>         entries = relation(Entry, lazy=True,
> backref=backref('account', lazy=False),
>             collection_class=ordering_list('position'),
>             order_by=[table_entries.c.position])
>     ))
>     bisect.insort(account.entries, an_entry)
> This is not working anymore with SA 0.4 beta5 : the list owns the item
> but not the other way.
>      assert account.entries[0] is an_entry  # TRUE
>      assert an_entry.account is account  # FALSE, currently is None
> Remark: it's working if I copy/paste the bisect method in my module.

This is a Python bug: the C version of insort ignores overridden 
'insert' methods on classes that derive from list, bypassing 
SQLAlchemy's collection hooks.

In prior SQLAlchemy versions, collections weren't real lists and insort 
does handle that case properly.  I'd suggest using the pure Python 
versions of the bisect functions going forward.

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