try calling scalar() on that subquery, it needs to be treated as such.

On Sep 9, 2007, at 2:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> g'day.
> i have a subselect that may yield null (nothing found), and i want to
> treat that as value of 0. i've read about coalesce() that would
> return first non-null of its args.
> plain query looks like:
> expr = and_( trans.c.account.startswith( balance.c.account),
>  <= balance.c.finaldate,
>  > select( [ func.max( b.c.finaldate)],
>                                b.c.finaldate < balance.c.finaldate
>                              ).correlate( balance)
> this gives something like:
> $print expr
>  trans.account LIKE balance.account+'%' \
>  AND <= balance.finaldate \
>  AND > coalesce((SELECT max(b.finaldate)
>  FROM balance AS b
>  WHERE b.finaldate < balance.finaldate)
> adding coalesce breaks the subselect:
> expr = and_( trans.c.account.startswith( balance.c.account),
>  <= balance.c.finaldate,
>  > func.coalesce(
>                            select( [ func.max( b.c.finaldate)],
>                                b.c.finaldate < balance.c.finaldate
>                              ).correlate( balance),
>                            0 )
> $print expr
>  trans.account LIKE balance.account + '%' \
>  AND <= balance.finaldate \
>  AND > coalesce(NULL,0)
> removing the correlate() restores proper subselect, but now its not
> correlated, and has 'FROM balance as b, balance' in it...
> or should i use CASE instead?
> i'm sure i've misunderstood all this sql thing...
> (The subselect is just trying to find the date of previous row in
> table balance before current balance.finaldate, OR 0.)
> svilen
> >

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