Still have problems...

if i change:

t = sa.Table("Machines", metadata, autoload=True)


t = sa.Table("Rpm_MacchineConfig", metadata,
             sa.Column('uId', sa.databases.mssql.MSUniqueIdentifier,

i have:

sqlalchemy.exceptions.DBAPIError: (ProgrammingError) ('42000',
"[42000] [Microso
ft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near
 ')'. (102)") u'INSERT INTO [Rpm_MacchineConfig] () VALUES ()' []

and if i put autoload= True, like this:

t = sa.Table("Rpm_MacchineConfig", metadata,
             sa.Column('uId', sa.databases.mssql.MSUniqueIdentifier,

i have this:

sqlalchemy.exceptions.DBAPIError: (IntegrityError) ('23000', "[23000]
][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Impossible to insert NULL value
into column 'uId' on table 'dbtests.dbo.Rpm_MachineConfig'.The column
does not support NULL values.... (515); [01000] [Microsoft][O
DBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Instruction interrupted. (3621)") u
'INSERT INTO [Rpm_MacchineConfig] (nome, nodo, descrizione) VALUES
(?, ?, ?)' ['MARIO', 'FI', None ]

Any hint before i start changing my table design? I'm a newbie on
sqlalchemy so i'm probably missing something...



On 12 Set, 02:18, KyleJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You probably need to override the autoloaded primary key 
> column:
> Specify the type with MSUniqueIdentifier from
> sqlalchemy.databases.mssql
> On Sep 11, 9:01 am, Smoke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I'm new to sqlalchemy and was checking if i can introduce it into some
> > of my projects... I have some database ( sql server ) tables with
> > MSUniqueidenfier columns set as PK and with newid() as default
> > values...
> > So, if i try to map this table into a class,save a new record and
> > flush, then i have errors because it says that column doesn't support
> > NULL values..
> > Is there any option i'm missing that can make me exclude this PK from
> > the INSERT query or somehow tell sqlalchemy that this pk column value
> > is autogenerated by the database?
> > thanks,
> > FP
> > P.S.:
> > My code is something very simple... like this:
> > t = sa.Table("Machines", metadata, autoload=True)
> > Session = sessionmaker(bind=db, autoflush=False, transactional=False)
> > class Machine(object):
> >     pass
> > session = Session()
> > sa.orm.mapper(Machine, t)#, exclude_properties=['uId'])
> > m = Machine()
> > nm = Machine()
> >, nm.node = "Mac1", "P"
> >
> > session.flush()

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