> In my database I have 5000 customers who made purchases and made
> some form of payment. I need to find the names of all customers who
> made payments by cash.
> My SQL query looks like this:
> SELECT customers.name, payments.payid
>   FROM customers, purchases, payments
>  WHERE customers.cid = purchases.cid
>    AND purchases.payid = payments.payid
>    AND payments.pay_type = 'cash'

have a look at 'querying with joins' in the docs. Also, 0.4 docs are 
better explaning some things than 0.3 (but check for feature 

q = customers_table.join( purchases_table).join( 
payments_table).select( payments_table.c.pay_type=='cash').execute()
for a in q: print a
u have something like this anyway.

q = Customer.query().add_entity( Payment).join( 
['purchases', 'payments'] ).filter( Payment.pay_type=='cash')
for a in q: print a

here u'll get tuples (objCustomer,objPayment) 

in both cases, for further optimization, u could (somehow?) preselect 
the columns u need instead of getting all. Especialy for the 
orm/Customers, u'll get whole purchases[] relations loaded unless 
they are lazy.

u can also make a mapper directly over the table-join-select:

class CusPay: pass
m= Mapper( CusPay, customers_table.join( purchases_table).join( 
payments_table).select( payments_table.c.pay_type=='cash') )
for a in m.query(): print a

or something of sorts, avoiding any extra columns/relation/whatever.

> Currently my code looks like this:
> for customer in customers:
>     for purchase in customer.purchases:
>         if purchase.payment.pay_type == 'cash':
>             print "%s, %s" % (customer.name,
> purchase.payment.payid)
u are not using any db-filtering, u are filtering all by hand in 
python. so u're instantiating all them customers, then for each 
loading all the purchases, then printing those =='cash' - essentialy 
loading whole db.


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