
on the descriptions... maybe right now u can inherit Columns and 
Tables and whatever by your own classes adding the .descriptions 
passing all else down.

on the table-gathering, instead of python-parsing, u could just use 
the metadata and walk it - it will have all your tables, and they 
already know their (DB) names.

Thus u can have different layout of your documentation than what is in 
the source code.


On Monday 17 September 2007 16:07:15 Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am creating my database via SQLAlchemy, therefore I use several
> "Column()" objects in a Table() clause.
> For my documentation, it is very handy to gather the table
> definitions directly from my SQLAlchemy-based python code - that's
> relatively easy, I simply import my table-definitions file and look
> for module attributes that end with "_table" (by convention, I
> always name my tables like that).
> Then I can read the table/columns, format them nicely and put them
> in my documentation.
> What's missing, however, are description fields: It would be
> perfect, if I could specify a description attribute for the table
> and the column directly, e.g. like that:
> myperson_table = Table('person', metadata,
>   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, description =
> 'Identification Number'),
>   Column('name', String(20), description = 'Name of a person'),
>   description = 'Table for my Persons')
> I could, also create my own Table/Column classes that hold this
> information, but maybe this could be implemented in SA as a
> standard feature?
> Best Regards,
> Hermann

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