On Sep 27, 2007, at 4:11 PM, Eric N wrote:

> I'm wondering if SqlAlchemy is quoting the parameter when it is bound
> or if anyone has any other suggestions as to why I am not getting any
> results.

we're not quoting anything when its bound...what gets returned from  
convert_bind_param is what gets sent as a bind param to cursor.execute 
().  your custom type class seems fine.

what you should do here first is make a short program using DBAPI  
only (which DBAPI are you using ?  the three available for MS-SQL  
vary widely in their functionality), and try to get the query to work  
using a straight cursor.execute().  there could be issues with  
comparisons to binary fields or with the DBAPI's ability to bind a  
binary field; a call to setinputsizes() may even be needed.  once its  
determined exactly what your DBAPI needs (or if its possible at  
all).  any additional data massaging needed on the SQLAlchemy side  
can then be addressed.

as a last resort you can inject direct text into a SQL statement  
using a string...with ORM it would look like query.filter 
("section_OID=0x08C82B7C6A844743") .

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