
Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Oct 10, 2007, at 5:56 AM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>> Looking at the doc for 0.4 I see that I should be able to do this:
>> result = engine.execute("select username from users")
>> ... do something with the result
>> result.close()
>> But I am getting the following exception.  Note that I am using  
>> Firebird
>> SQL and the firebird.py is the one patched by Roger.
>> Am I doing something wrong or is this not supported in 0.4?
>> BTW, I would like to use this within a custom type ("class
>> MyType(types.TypeDecorator):" to do the I18N translation similar to  
>> what
>> Karsten suggested in another thread.
> it looks like you are trying to execute SQL inside of a TypeEngine's  
> convert_result_value() method.  the argument passed to that is  
> currently a Dialect, not an engine (also, issuing SQL inside of  
> convert_result_value(), not such a great idea in general...)
Yes, I was calling a Stored Procedure to get a translation for the 
original value of that column.

Could you give me some hints on how I could do the following in SA.

- define a column as I18N (actual value is a varchar)
- when the column is read take the value from the table column, do a 
lookup with it in the i18n translation table with a stored procedure and 
either return what was found or the original value
- the column should ideally be read only
- to be able to maintain the column I was thinking of setting up a 
second model for the same table where the i18n column would be defined 
as varchar to allow to set the value to be translated

I would really appreciate if you could push me in the right direction on 

Thanks and best regards

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