On Oct 18, 2007, at 9:23 AM, Karl Pflästerer wrote:

> Hi,
> am I wrong, or is it at the moment not possible to write an update  
> statement
> for Mysql which includes multiple tables like that:
>    import sqlalchemy.sql as sql
>    query = sql.text("""UPDATE shows AS s INNER JOIN show_artendef  
> AS sad
>                        ON sad.id = s.art
>                        SET s.seq = s.seq + 1
>                        WHERE s.seq >= :newseq AND s.seq < :oldseq  
> AND sad.name = :name""")
> At the moment I use the above but maybe I could write that without  
> text?
> visit_update in mysql.py looks like at the moment I can't use  
> multiple tables if I'm
> not wrong (but I didn't look too deep in the source code). I use SA  
> 0.4.0
> KP

usually I do these as a correlated UPDATE.  pretty sure mysql can do  
these in version 5....

UPDATE shows set s.seq = s.seq+1
WHERE s.seq >= :newseq AND s.seq < :oldseq AND EXISTS
(select 1 from show_artendef AS sad where sad.name=:name and  

SA looks like:  shows.update(shows.seq.between(x, y) & exists([1],  
show_artendef.c.id==shows.c.id)),  values={shows.c.seq:shows.c.seq+1})

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