> > I am building a grading system for students and got unexpected
> > performance problems. I am using composite key for marks, which refer
> > to students and subjects.
> > When I am creating a mark (for student_1 and subject_1), unnecessary
> > select operations are performed (select all marks for student_1 and
> > select all marks for subject_1).
> > Why these selects are generated and how to avoid them?
> The SQL issue looks like the "marks" collections on Student and
> Subject issuing a lazyload for their full collection of Mark items
> before the backref event appends the Mark object to each of them, i.e.
> the event that occurs when you issue "mark.student = subject_1".
> Ordinary collections currently don't handle being present in a
> "partial" state, so in order for an append to occur, they load their
> contents.
> As a workaround, you can use "lazy=dynamic" relations for the
> collections, which is a special relation that can handle append
> operations without the full collection being available.
> "lazy=noload" would work as well but then you couldn't read from your
> collections.
> A future release may look into merging some of the "dynamic" relation
> behavior into an ordinary un-loaded collection so that this workaround
> would not be needed. Actually this might not be a bad idea for 0.4.2,
> so ive added ticket #871.

Thanks a lot for your reply!

Setting the relation to be lazy="dynamic" really eliminated
unnecessary selects when creating Mark. Making a default relation a
bit "dynamic" is a great idea!

There is problem when relation is both lazy="dynamic" and
cascade="all, delete-orphan":
When parent (Subject or Student) object is deleted, its children
(Marks) are not deleted. When relation is not "dynamic", children are
deleted correctly.

Is this a proper behavior?

Thanks for the attention.

P.S. Congratulations to developers and users of SA with version 0.4.1!
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