Is it possible that your mapped class has a regular Python property
with the same name as a mapped relation?


On 23 Nov., 17:08, "lur ibargutxi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I made an aplication in my local machine but when I tried to do the same in
> the server I had this problem:
> Module Python expression "view.indicators()", line 1, in <expression>
>   Module Products.odr.lugabe_db.browser.sql, line 23, in indicators
>   Module Products.odr.lugabe_db.query, line 48, in first_group
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.query, line 939, in all
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.query, line 895, in list
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.query, line 964, in __iter__
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.query, line 358, in select_whereclause
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.query, line 1197, in compile
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces, line 160, in setup
>   Module sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces, line 143, in _get_context_strategy
> AttributeError: 'ColumnProperty' object has no attribute 'strategy'
> Does anyone know about this problem?
> --
> Lur Ibargutxi
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