Just noticed that for mappers that use tables that do not define foreign
keys, specifying only 'primaryjoin='  plus 'foreign_keys=' doesn't seem to
be sufficient to define the relationship, adding 'remote_side=' fixed it.

Also for such mappers, if there is a 'backref', the backref doesn't seem to
be able to use the foreign key relationships for the mapper, it wants the
'primaryjoin=', 'foreign_keys=' and 'remote_side=' to be specified all over

Quick example:

t = table('test', meta,

    Column('id', INT, primary_key=True, nullable=False),

    Column('idparent', INT)   # Note FK ommitted, MySQL/MSSQL self-table FK
delete cascade bug workaround


class Foo: pass

mapper(Foo, t,

    properties: {'children': relation(Foo,

                                  primaryjoin = t.c.idparent = t.c.id,




won't work until you add more attributes as per above. Shouldn't this
definition be enough?

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