
Sorry for this meaningless subject !
I am learning SQLAlchemy and I installed version 0.4.1 few days ago.

My problem is probably easy to solve. I swear I have read a good part
of the documentation, and searched this group ! But...

Short example. Two tables :
- "languages" having a sequence as primary key and a column of unique
short names  ('en', 'fr', etc.)
- "items" having a foreign key on 'language_id' (see Python code

When creating a new item, it is not significant to fill the foreign
key value with a integer. I wish the mapper had a way to find it
through the unique language name :

item = Item()
item.name = 'A great item'
item.language_name = 'en'

Please, how to do that ?



languages_table = Table('languages', metadata,
    Column('language_id', PGInteger, Sequence('language_id_seq'),
    Column('name', Unicode(), nullable=False, unique=True)
items_table = Table('items', metadata,
    Column('item_id', PGInteger, Sequence('item_id_seq'),
    Column('language_id', PGInteger,
ForeignKey('languages.language_id'), primary_key=True),
    Column('name', Unicode(), nullable=False)
class Item(object): pass

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