Rick Morrison wrote:
>  > Having to
>  > call flush before doing anything that might require the ID seems
>  > excessive and too low-level for code like that.
> Why? To me, having to work around the implications of an implicit 
> persisting of the object for nothing more than a simple attribute access 
> is much worse. For example, I have code that examines the instance id 
> attribute of such objects to determine, for example, whether an item 
> discount needs to be recalculated (not saved) or a differential discount 
> needs to be calculated (item already saved). It's natural to simply 
> examine the PK attribute to see if the item is persisted to make the 
> decision. In this case, an object.is_saved() method could stand in, but 
> imagine passing your object instance to some other Python function that 
> just happened to sniff around attributes -- such behavior could cause 
> the item to flush() without explicit permission? Yuck. 

I think you missed the part where I said that the object in question was 
already save()'d, so at any moment it could be flushed and the id 
magically filled-in. Once you save() an object, you never know when it 
will be flushed.

>  > "As far as the application is concerned, objects in the Pending and
>  > Persistent states should function identically."
> To me, this is a fallacy of how ORMs work, and ignores the particulars 
> of what happens, or what could happen, during a database save 
> round-trip. You could have default columns. You could have triggers. 
> Your could have DRI violations. The database engine could do implicit 
> type conversion. You simply cannot expect an unchanged object on a 
> round-trip to a relational database in a real-world case. To always 
> expect this is to invite huge complexity issues that have been the 
> downfall of other ORM attempts. For pure unchanged round-trip behavior, 
> you want a real OO database, not an ORM.

No, I strongly disagree. Once you save() an object, there are absolutely 
no guarantees about when it will be flushed (other than that it will 
happen the transaction is actually committed).

An example:
In sqlalchemy, if I create an object and save() it, it won't be flushed 
(yet. probably). If I then execute some arbitrary query (say, 
session.query(Something).filter(Something.c.name=='foo').all()) then
sqlalchemy WILL flush that object I just saved! And that's the correct 
behavior because it would be nearly impossible for sqlalchemy to 
correctly determine if the object I just saved should be returned with 
the query. In other words, I never flushed, but it got flushed anyway.

I'm not saying that sqlalchemy should always flush every object once you 
start touching any of its attributes. But for attributes that we KNOW 
need to be fetched, they should be treated exactly the same way that
arbitrary queries treat Pending objects.

I can't find any place where sqlalchemy makes any guarantees regarding 
the transition from Pending to Persistent state. Which is why I think 
that objects in the Pending state should function (to the best of 
sqlalchemy's ability) in as close to the same way as possible.

Just some thoughts,

-Adam Batkin

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