Hi, I was looking at this bug fix, and I couldn't figure out where
part 2 of the problem was actually fixed.

If you can ignore the absurdity of this example, it shows a situation
where the second problem still appears to

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

metadata = MetaData("mysql://mrlabs:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306/test")

table = Table("test", metadata,
        Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column("other_id", Integer),
        Column("active", Boolean))

table2 = Table("test2", metadata,
        Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column("other_id", Integer),
        Column("active", Boolean))
table.insert().execute([{"other_id":1, "active": False}, {"other_id":
2, "active": True}])

table2.insert().execute([{"other_id":1, "active": False}, {"other_id":
2, "active": True}])

test = table.select(table.c.active).alias("test")
class Test(object):

class Test2(object):

mapper(Test, table)
mapper(Test2, table2)

session = create_session()
q = join(table, table2, table2.c.other_id == table.c.id)
s = q.select(use_labels=True).alias("inner_query")
s2 = s.select(use_labels=True).alias("outer_query")

print session.query(Test,

for which I get the output:

2007-12-14 00:27:59,637 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
SELECT inner_query.test_id AS inner_query_test_id,
inner_query.test_other_id AS inner_query_test_other_id,
inner_query.test_active AS inner_query_test_active,
inner_query.test2_id AS inner_query_test2_id,
inner_query.test2_other_id AS inner_query_test2_other_id,
inner_query.test2_active AS inner_query_test2_active
FROM (SELECT test.id AS test_id, test.other_id AS test_other_id,
test.active AS test_active, test2.id AS test2_id, test2.other_id AS
test2_other_id, test2.active AS test2_active
FROM test JOIN test2 ON test2.other_id = test.id) AS inner_query
2007-12-14 00:27:59,637 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test2.py", line 41, in ?
    print session.query(Test,
  File "/Users/david/working/env_dandd/lib/python2.4/SQLAlchemy-0.3.11-
py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 1047, in instances
    self.select_mapper._instance(context, row, result)
  File "/Users/david/working/env_dandd/lib/python2.4/SQLAlchemy-0.3.11-
py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py", line 1443, in _instance
    identitykey = self.identity_key_from_row(row)
  File "/Users/david/working/env_dandd/lib/python2.4/SQLAlchemy-0.3.11-
py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py", line 950, in
    return (self.class_, tuple([row[column] for column in
self.pks_by_table[self.mapped_table]]), self.entity_name)
  File "/Users/david/working/env_dandd/lib/python2.4/SQLAlchemy-0.3.11-
py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1172, in __getitem__
    return self.__parent._get_col(self.__row, key)
  File "/Users/david/working/env_dandd/lib/python2.4/SQLAlchemy-0.3.11-
py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 993, in _get_col
    rec = self._convert_key(key)
  File "/Users/david/working/env_dandd/lib/python2.4/SQLAlchemy-0.3.11-
py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 930, in _convert_key
    raise exceptions.NoSuchColumnError("Could not locate column in row
for column '%s'" % (str(key)))
sqlalchemy.exceptions.NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in
row for column 'test.id'"

This is from a checkout of the rel_0_3 branch rev 3936.


On Oct 17, 7:07 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2007, at 4:07 AM, klaus wrote:
> > Thanks a lot! The solution is so simple that I feel a little
> > embarassed...
> im embarrased that bug's been present for so long !
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