That works. Thank's a lot.


I will continue asking. Soon...

On Dec 14, 7:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> your 'iva' table-column AND 'iva' attribute/relation/property have same
> name, Thats what the error says. either rename one of them (e.g. the column
> to become iva_id), or use that allow_column_override=True flag to the
> producto mapper.
> Marcos wrote:
> > Hello, first at all, sorry about my english... I'm from Mendoza,
> > Argentina, and I'm starting with this. Because I can't describe my
> > problem, I will show the next:
> > from sqlalchemy import *
> > from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> > class Producto(object):
> >     pass
> > class Iva(object):
> >     pass
> > metadata = MetaData()
> > engine = create_engine('postgres://postgres:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5432/
> > marcos')
> > connection = engine.connect()
> > Session = sessionmaker(bind=connection, autoflush=True,
> > transactional=True)
> > session = Session()
> > iva_tabla = Table( 'iva' , metadata ,
> >                                Column('id' , Integer , primary_key =
> > True) ,
> >                                Column('valor', Float)
> >                                )
> > productos_tabla = Table ( 'productos' , metadata ,
> >                                       Column('id', Integer ,
> > primary_key = True ) ,
> >                                       Column('nro' , Integer ) ,
> >                                       Column('descripcion' ,
> > String(100) ) ,
> >                                       Column('iva' , Integer ,
> > ForeignKey('')) ,
> >                                       Column('precioUnitario' ,
> > Float )
> >                                      )
> > mapper(Producto, productos_tabla , properties={'iva':relation(Iva)})
> > mapper(Iva,iva_tabla)
> > ----- And when i run it:
> > raceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/home/instancia_webware/MyContext/Pruebas/", line 29,
> > in ?
> >     mapper(Producto, productos_tabla ,
> > properties={'iva':relation(Iva)})
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
> > sqlalchemy/orm/", line 518, in mapper
> >     return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
> > sqlalchemy/orm/", line 154, in __init__
> >     self._compile_properties()
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
> > sqlalchemy/orm/", line 612, in _compile_properties
> >     self._compile_property(column_key, column, init=False,
> > setparent=True)
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.1-py2.4.egg/
> > sqlalchemy/orm/", line 654, in _compile_property
> >     raise exceptions.ArgumentError("WARNING: column '%s' not being
> > added due to property '%s'.  Specify 'allow_column_override=True' to
> > mapper() to ignore this condition." % (column.key, repr(prop)))
> > sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError: WARNING: column 'iva' not being
> > added due to property '<
> > object at 0xb7aba1cc>'.  Specify 'allow_column_override=True' to
> > mapper() to ignore this condition.
> > ----------
> > I've read a lot, and I can't or I'm incapable to resolve this by
> > myself. Can anybody help me?
> > Sorry again, Marcos

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