> database trigger syntax is pretty database specific so we dont have a
> generic DDL construct for that right now.  you can issue the DDL using
> a textual execute like engine.execute("CREATE TRIGGER ...").  for
> inserting of data you usually would use a table.insert() construct.

ok, it helps if I have an "after_create" event on mapper or mapped
class, than I will able to create all additional objects related with 
table at moment I call metadata.create_all()

> you've lost me here.  I don't see the connection between a trigger in
> your database and a method on one of your mapped classes.

it would be just a Method like after_create_execute("SOME DATABASE
SPECIFIC SQL"), and this method should be called after creation of
table, but just on creation... would be usefull have an
before_drop_execute("SOME STATEMENT") to make users able to drop these
related object in case of automatic database recreation

in the same method after_create_execute() users can put insert
statements to insert default data to tables, it can be very usefull in
some cases.

> you'd have to show me what you mean, I don't understand why you need
> to scroll through all your classes just to set up triggers in your
> schema.  The schema exists independently of any ORM configuration
> which uses that schema.

if the feature above is not ready, I will put a staticmethod on each
mapped class to define my default data and related objects, and will
call it for each mapped class.

the methods can contain something like this:

def get_trigger_metadata():
        return "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER...."

def initialize_table():
        return "INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME VALUES (1,"Lorem Ipsun","foo","bar")"

All this to setup initial additional objects to database i.e. on
application setup
> > 

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