Thanks, I will use the approach you describe here when I get to that
point in the development proccess :).

> So for now, your best bet is to issue the SQL directly to the database
> for the particular class change you want to do, remove the objects in
> question from the session using expunge(), and reload as the new
> class.
Could you elaborate a bit on using expunge(), please? And when you say
issuing SQL directly to the database you mean using the non-orm part
of sqlalchemy, right?

> This would involve, for motion from a superclass to subclass
> INSERTing into the desired joined table, for motion from subclass to
> superclass DELETEing from the joined table, or for motion from one
> subclass to another INSERTing and DELETEing.
I get what you are saying, just tha tI think that from a superclass to
subclass would involve a DELETE, right? And viceversa, an INSERT...
Unless we are using different terms for superclass and subclass in
which case I apologize :)

> For deeper inheritance,
> the above pattern becomes more complex.  But I dont think "delete and
> create new" is necessary here - the "base" table can remain unchanged
> except for issuing an UPDATE to the "discriminator" column, assuming
> you have one.
I'm happy to know that I don't have to delete and create a new one,
because it would be tedious to update the references...

Thanks for your help


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