hey all and happy new year -

I've just put out 0.4.2, a release that's a lot bigger than a point
release would usually be.  I've been kind of procrastinating with it,
since we're in this phase where the source to SA is changing somewhat
dramatically and a lot of old crufty things are being replaced with
simpler ideas that do more and work better...while this was the main
idea when we went from 0.3 to 0.4,  it still continues.  With this
release we kept going and going....and there's still a bunch more
things I want to do !

This release has a serious chunk of new features and other less
noticeable things intended increase efficiency and/or improve
behavior.  Of the less noticeable things, the methodology used for
attribute history tracking has changed from copy-on-load to copy-on-
write (cuts down on ORM load times by about 25%), a new "generic
functions" mechanism has been added which, while its only used a
little bit so far, will eventually lead to better behavior of func.XXX
constructs with regards to typing behavior and such, and the way
mappers are linked to their classes has changed to be simpler and more
efficient, as well as self-dereferencing.  Another big one is that
backref operations don't trigger lazy loads anymore; the changes to
the reverse side of a relation are queued up if and when the reverse
side actually loads.  Still more, reconnect support was still a little
flaky in 0.4.1 and has been fixed and unit tested like mad, adding the
ability for a Connection to reconnect on its own; reconnect support
was also added to Oracle.  For the caching-enthused, you can
pickle.dumps() any mapped instance, loads() it back, and all of its
deferred/lazy/expired attribute loaders, even if they were set at the
instance level via query.options() will remain intact; all the loaders
are now serializable (plus unit tests galore).  The unit of work's
internals have been refactored significantly for clarity and decreased

Big noticeable things include, mutable primary keys - change the
primary key of an instance and flush().  There's some complexity to
deal with if you have foreign keys referencing that PK, namely that
you need to configure "ON UPDATE" cascades for a database that
enforces FK integrity.  For a non-FK enforcing database like sqlite or
mysql MyISAM, you can set "cascade_updates=True" on relation() and
SQLAlchemy will cascade the primary key change on its own, along
mapped relationships.

Another noticeable thing is that the Unicode type will issue a warning
if you send a plain string to it; note that the Unicode type as well
as flags like convert_unicode=True are meant to shuttle your Python
unicode objects to the database using the db's native encoding; they
are not intended to decode your application's raw Python
bytestrings !  So now the assert_unicode flag, which is configurable
as an error, warning (the default on Unicode), or neither (the default
on String/engine), will let you know about that.

synonym() has been totally overhauled to be way more usable.  Check
the docs on the site for this; you can now just set up your class-
level property(), and just set up a synonym() on the mapper which will
move the column out of the way for you in one step, and will also add
the SQL-clause instrumentation to your property(), so saying
MyClass.myprop == "foo" works just fine.

Query.select_from() is a whole new animal now; you can literally put
*any select statement* into it (now as a scalar argument), and
continue to filter(), join(), and order_by(); all the criterion will
be properly aliased against the selectable as though it were the
mapped table.  I wanted to go further with this, i.e. using the same
methodology for polymorphic loads and also creating "sub-queries" of
queries, but that stuff will be out in 0.4.3 and subsequent
releases.   Query has been refined in this release, particularly the
instances() method (the main method that loads instances from a
cursor), but still has some major things to be done (including fixing
up count(), max(), min(), etc., yes I know these need work! - ticket

We also have a much easier-to-use TypeDecorator class; also see the
docs on the site for that.

As usual tons of bugs have been fixed too and I hope that a decent
number of users are already on this version via SVN since we've hit
upon a good number of them since 0.4.1 (and a good number are still in
pending in trac).

Changelog at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/CHANGES , download at
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/download.html .

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