Matt Haggard wrote:
> I'm using SQLAlchemy with Pylons and am having trouble validating
> data.  I have an App object mapped to a table with a unique constraint
> on App.number.
> Here's some code:
>         q = Session.query(App)
>         if app_id:
>             q = q.filter_by(id=app_id).first()
>         if q:
>    = q
>             number = request.params.get('number')
>             notes = request.params.get('notes')
>             if appmodel and number:
>                 try:
>                     q.number = number
>                     q.notes = notes
>                     Session.commit()
>                     c.message = 'Record updated'
>                 except:
>                     # restore pre-form data ?? how??
>                     c.message = 'Error updating record'
>             return render('index.mtl')
>         else:
>             return self.index()
> My questions are:
> 1) When I do the try statement, the value of q.number changes to
> whatever the user passed in via the form -- even if it's invalid, so
> that when I render the page, the invalid value is used.  How do I
> reset the object to have the values it had before I did the try?  Do I
> have to get it afresh from the db?
try something like session.refresh( obj) or similar

> 2) How do I let the user know which value caused the record not to
> update?  What information does SQLAlchemy provide back that I can use
> to say: "You're number must be unique... and such-and-such must be
> greater than 0, etc..?"
mmh, do not mistake DB-constraints with validation-rules.
the only sensible info u can get here is that the record is not unique 
(check what sort of exception that throws), but any further interpretation - 
why, what, where - is up to you - u have to know what field u have just 
set/changed, etc.

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