Are you using auto-incrementing primary keys?

I would bet that after the first flush(), your mapped object now has a
primary key, and so looks persistent.

Perhaps try a copy.copy() on the mapped object before the first flush, write
one copy to the first database, and the copy to the second, unless Mike has
a better idea.


On Jan 17, 2008 6:40 PM, Paul-Michael Agapow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm puzzling out how to connect to multiple databases that have the
> same tables (and the same table definitions). The use case is that
> data may be retrieved from two or more similar dbs and perhaps copied
> between them. Following earlier advice, I've used a single metadata
> and 'bind' in the session creation to indicate which engine. However
> there's a problem. Example code below::
>        from sqlalchemy import *
>        from sqlalchemy.orm import *
>        uri1 = # blah blah
>        uri2 =  # blah blah
>        class Dummy (object):
>                "simple mapped class"
>                pass
>        class DbConnection (object):
>                "encapsulate engine & session"
>                def __init__ (self, uri, dbschema):
>                        engine = create_engine (uri)
>                        Session = sessionmaker (bind=engine,
> autoflush=False,
> transactional=False)
>                        self._session = Session()
>                        dbschema.metadata.create_all (bind=engine,
> checkfirst=True)
>                def __del__ (self):
>                        self._session.close()
>        class DbSchema (object):
>                "metadata & table defintions"
>                def __init__ (self):
>                        self.metadata = MetaData()
>                        self.dummy_table = Table('dummy', self.metadata,
>                                Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                                Column('name', Unicode(40)),
>                        )
>                        mapper (Dummy, self.dummy_table)
>        # define tables and connect to both dbs
>        schema = DbSchema()
>        conn1 = DbConnection (uri1, schema)
>        conn2 = DbConnection (uri2, schema)
>        # create object
>        x = Dummy()
> = u'testname'
>        # save to one and detach object
>        conn1._session.save_or_update (x)
>        conn1._session.flush ()
>        conn1._session.expunge (x)
>        # save to two silently fails!
>        conn2._session.save_or_update (x)
>        conn2._session.flush ()
>        conn2._session.expunge (x)
> The object saves obediently to the first db, but fails to save to the
> second (although tables are created correctly). The successful write
> is always the first one, regardless of the order of opening
> connections. It doesn't depend on how the primary key is defined:
> autogenerated or supplied. I therefore surmise this is because
> 'save_or_update' detects the object as already being persistent,
> despite the use of 'expunge'.
> Is there another step required to detach the object, or is another
> approach necessary to handle multiple dbs?
> --
> Dr Paul-Michael Agapow: VieDigitale / Inst. for Animal Health
> >

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