On Jan 20, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Eoghan Murray wrote:

> Hi All,
> I wish to do an aliased join similar to the last example in the
> section http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/ormtutorial.html#datamapping_joins
>>>> session.query(User).\
> ...     join('addresses',
> aliased=True).filter(Address.email_address=='[EMAIL PROTECTED]').\
> ...     join('addresses',
> aliased=True).filter(Address.email_address=='[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
> Except that I want to provide my own Alias for the Address table so I
> can compare fields from the two aliased address tables, e.g.
>>>> Address_1 = Address.table.alias()
>>>> Address_2 = Address.table.alias()
>>>> session.query(User).\
> ...     join(Address_1).\
> ...     join(Address_2).\
> ...     filter(Address_1.email_address>Address_2.email_address)
> This fails because the 'join' function above expects a property to
> join on, rather than a table or table alias.
> I've tried to transform it into a select_from query:
>>>> User
>>>> .query.select_from(User.table.join(Address_1).join(Address_2))./
> ...     filter(Address_1.email_address>Address_2.email_address)
> but then you lose the ability to add_entities; the following doesn't
> work:
>>>> User
>>>> .query
>>>> .add_entity
>>>> (Address_1
>>>> ).select_from(User.table.join(Address_1).join(Address_2))./
> ...     filter(Address_1.email_address>Address_2.email_address)
> Any ideas on how to do this correctly?

you're almost there; add_entity has an "alias" argument:

        add_entity(Address, alias=Address_1)

Also, you can't use it here since you are comparing between the two  
address aliases, but in general you can also create aliases with  
join() using join('addresses', aliased=True); subsequent filter()  
criterion using the plain Address.table will be adapted to the alias  
used in the most recent join.  This would allow you to use the Address  
class as a base for filter criterion also.

It also would be quite easy for us to add a helper option here to  
join(), such that you could say query.join('addresses',  
with_aliases=[Address_1])...I was thinking of that just today.  
(with_aliases is a list to support query.join(['foo','bar', 'bat']))

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