On Jan 23, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Monty Taylor wrote:

> This may or may not be elixir specific...
> If I have an auto-generated mapping table for a many-to-many
> relationship, is there a sensible way to add another column to it  
> that's
> also has a foreign key relationship to a third table?
> Like, if I had this:
> Products
>  id int
>  name varchar
> ProductTypes
>  id int
>  name varchar
> Groups
>  id int
>  name varchar
> and then I defined a many to many between products and groups to get
> products_groups
>  product_id
>  group_id
> and I wanted to add producttype_id to that ...

If you're asking about creating mappers, a many-to-many table has  
exactly two foreign keys defined, that of a parent table and a child  
table.  Any columns which are not part of those two foreign keys  
disqualifies the table to be considered a many-to-many table by  
SQLAlchemy's ORM; youd have to map a class to the table explicitly.

if youre just talking about adding a column to a Table, i think theres  
an "append_column()" method which does that....(check the docstrings)

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