hi there -

the bug is fixed in r4103, the test below will work as stated.  Or you  
can stick with the workaround for now.

On Jan 28, 2008, at 4:03 PM, Phil Coombs wrote:

> Hi
> I'm a Python and SA newbie investigating SA for a project using
> Postgres. I have a database schema that I want to point SA at then be
> able to write my Python code.
> I'm working with a version of the basic_association example to keep
> things simple. I want to have unique auto generated ids on my tables
> (surrogate primary keys) but also want to have primary keys defined
> over the entities' actual attributes. I want to have surrogate keys on
> my tables so that I can use them instead of the full priamary keys
> when writing joins to keep the SQL brief. In some cases (e.g. the
> association table) I'm defining the primary key in terms of surrogate
> primary keys rather than copy over the full primary key from the
> associated tables.
> When I run the code (below) I get AttributeError: 'Order' object has
> no attribute '_instance_key'.
> Please can someone help me setup SA to work in this example?
> Thanks in advance
> Phil
> Postgress DDL
> ----------------------
> create table orders (
> order_id           Serial              ,
> o_customer_name    text        not null,
> o_order_date       timestamp   not null,
> primary key (o_customer_name, o_order_date) using index ,unique
> (order_id);
> create table items (
> item_id           Serial              ,
> it_description    text          not null,
> it_price          Numeric(8,2)  not null,
> primary key (it_description) using index, unique (item_id) using
> index);
> create table order_items (
> oi_order_id           Integer       not null,
> oi_item_id            Integer       not null,
> oi_price              Numeric(8,2)  not null,
> primary key (oi_order_id, oi_item_id) using index);
> Python
> ----------
> [SNIP] setup and connect string
> engine = create_engine(connectString, echo=False)
> metadata = MetaData(engine)
> orders_table = Table('orders', metadata, autoload=True)
> items_table = Table('items', metadata, autoload=True)
> orderitems_table = Table('order_items', metadata,
>                         Column('oi_order_id', Integer,
>                                ForeignKey('orders.order_id'),
> primary_key=True),
>                         Column('oi_item_id',  Integer,
>                                ForeignKey('items.item_id'),
> primary_key=True),
>                         autoload=True
>                         )
> class Order(object):
>    def __init__(self, customer_name, order_date):
>        self.customer_name = customer_name
>        self.order_date = order_date
> class Item(object):
>    def __init__(self, description, price):
>        self.description = description
>        self.price = price
> class OrderItem(object):
>    def __init__(self, item, price=None):
>        self.item = item
>        self.price = price or item.price
> mapper(Order, orders_table, properties = {
>    'id'            : orders_table.c.order_id,
>    'customer_name' : orders_table.c.o_customer_name,
>    'order_date'    : orders_table.c.o_order_date,
>    'order_items'   : relation(OrderItem)
>    })
> mapper(Item, items_table, properties = {
>    'id'             : items_table.c.item_id,
>    'description'    : items_table.c.it_description,
>    'price'          : items_table.c.it_price
>    })
> mapper(OrderItem, orderitems_table, properties = {
>    'order_id' : orderitems_table.c.oi_order_id,
>    'item_id'  : orderitems_table.c.oi_item_id,
>    'price'    : orderitems_table.c.oi_price,
>    'item'     : relation(Item)
>    })
> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True,
> transactional=True)
> session = Session()
> session.save(Item('Item A', 10.99))
> session.save(Item('Item B', 8))
> session.save(Item('Item C', 4))
> session.save(Item('Item D', 1))
> session.flush()
> def item(name):
>    return session.query(Item).filter_by(description=name).one()
> order = Order("cust1", datetime.now())
> order.order_items.append(OrderItem(item('Item A')))
> order.order_items.append(OrderItem(item('Item B'),10))
> order.order_items.append(OrderItem(item('Item C')))
> session.save(order)
> session.commit()
> >

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