this is the association object pattern, as described at:

with that pattern, you should specifically *not* use the "secondary"  
argument on your mapper as the group_user_tbl will be explicitly mapped.

After setting that up you may want to look at the association proxy  
which can smooth some of the clumsiness of dealing with an association  

On Feb 13, 2008, at 9:38 AM, g wrote:

> Say we have a many-to-many relation:
> mapper(Group, group_tbl,
>  properties={'users' : relation(User, secondary=group_user_tbl) }
> )
> group_user_tbl = Table('group_user', metadata,
>     Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('group.group_id')),
>     Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('user.user_id')),
>     Column('expiry', DateTime)
> )
> Is there any way to make the 'expiry' an attribute to the User of a
> particular Group?
> eg.
> my_group = session.query(Group).get(30)
> u = my_group.users[0]
> exp = u.expiry
> exp =
> session.flush()
> >

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