Hello all,

On a Postgres database when I explicitly insert a value into a column 
with a sequence on it the sequence doesn't get updated and can return 
ids that aren't unique.  This can be be fixed with SQLAlchemy equivalent of:
maxid = select max(id) on family;
select setval(family_id_seq, maxid+1)

...or with a default=some_func_that_returns_maxid_plus_one on the 
column.  The problem is this isn't fool proof since max(id) could change 
before the setval()/update in a multiuser/threaded environment.  Its 
more or less the same problem if I don't use the sequence and have a 
serial column instead. On sqlite the id column seems to always generate 
a unique number.  I'm not sure what other databases do.  What's the best 
way to address this? Here's an example of whats happening:

from sqlalchemy import *
#uri = 'sqlite:///:memory:' # this test works fine on sqlite
uri = 'postgres://server/test'
engine = create_engine(uri, echo=False)
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)

family_table = Table('family', metadata,
                      Column('id', Integer, Sequence('family_id_seq'),
                      Column('data', String(32)))
family_table.insert(values={'id': 1}).execute(bind=engine)
family_table.insert(values={'id': 2}).execute(bind=engine)

# these two lines will fix the following error it but aren't guaranteed 
# to be safe
#maxid = engine.execute('select max(id) from family').fetchone()[0]
#engine.execute("select setval('family_id_seq', %s)" % (maxid + 1))

# raises IntegrityError since id won't be unique
family_table.insert(values={'family': 'something'}).execute(bind=engine)

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