On Thursday 21 February 2008 00:47:16 jason kirtland wrote:
> > slightly OT...
> >
> >> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/sqlalchemy/trunk/examples
> >>/ve rtical/dictlike-polymorphic.py
> >
> > hmmm, figuratively speaking, what u describe above is a sort of
> > single-table-inheritance approach over a single-value "classes",
> > one per value-type, right?
> >
> > so u have objects, which have attributes of any name and a value
> > of one of the listed types. same-name attributes may have
> > different type-of-values allright.
> >
> > if a class/"value" has more than just the value (e.g.
> > measurement, units, scale, etc), and there are lots and lots of
> > them, single-table approach would be an overkill, i suppose.
> > Any specific recipe to follow here?
> That example is more of a mapping recipe than a scratch design
> recipe: I've seen that "properties" table over and over in all
> sorts of legacy schemas.  Sometimes it's just like that, sometimes
> it's shared storage for lots of entities and the setup is more like
> vertical.py.  Sometimes it's worse and has foreign keys.
> If you *are* doing a scratch design of a triple store, then I'd
> personally look outside of the RDBMS.  Perhaps the RDFAlchemy
> project, which I've been meaning to check out...
ummm, what is "triple store"? (gogole abit..ahhha). waaaw. have i 
stepped on a landmine...

no i did not have an intent to design anything like that, but it just 
turned out... 
let me explain, WTF i'm doing last year and half.
 - app.field: HR/personnel
 - everything is bitemporal, including (some) pieces of code.
 - objects/classes have strict set-of-possible attributes (and their 
types, validation etc), but the classes can evolve in time, hence the 
set-of-attrs can change from version to version, (maybe) making the 
DB contain both old and new types.
 - some values can be multilingual, that is obj.country.value can be 
entered Deutchland or Germany or Alemagne depending on config; this 
is not just output-translation
 - so far, so good (uhm.. really?)
 - there are things/objects called "parameters", they 
control/parametrize the inner working of the calculations-engine 
(i.e. a "Salary" resource is computed out of many 
sub-salary-calculations, each having different 
 - any change in anything within current context-of-calculation and 
within current time-period splits the period into smaller time-cuts; 
a time-cut is considered final if anything relevant for the 
calculation stays constant in it
 - for each final time-cut, the calculation-engine is fired to calc 
the resources (re-)distribution
 - the parameters can be declared on different levels of 
calculational-mesh, but are value-filled / reside in different 
levels/places in object-data-structure (this concept is somewhat 
similar to the data-declaration/data-layout division for a c/c++ 
compiler, and maybe the item-layout/item-behaviour division in 
verilog et-al behavioral langs); there is a notion of transparency 
(inheritance) and shading (overload) of higher levels to the lower 
levels, value wise
 - its these parameters that i was talking about... i was going to put 
them in some "value-storage"...

all this is needed as the (post-)socialistic employment law is 
very-very-very entangled... and gets worse

so you say i'm screwed? )-:)

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