> I want to direct your attention to some new features in trunk which
> I'll also be demonstrating at this years Advanced SQLAlchemy
> tutorial.
> these features apply primarily to joined-table inheritance
> scenarios, and are in response to the need to specify criterion
> against subclasses as well as to join to/from joined-table classes
> where a specific subclass is required.
> I've put some new docs at
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/mappers.html#advdatamapping_mappe
>r_inheritance_joined_querying .
> the two methods are with_polymorphic() and of_type().
> with_polymorphic() may very well replace the need for select_table
> in almost all cases, and it creates the joins for you.  It allows
> filtering criterion to be against subclasses, *and* allows the
> mapper to load the full subclass instance without the need for a
> second query against the joined table.
> Assume the usual Person / Engineer(Person) / Manager(Person)
> example :
>       # query for Person objects, but specify criterion against Engineer
> session
> .query
> (Person
> ).with_polymorphic(Engineer).filter(Engineer.engineer_name=='dilber
>       # query for Person objects but specify criterion against both
> Manager and Engineer
>       session.query(Person).with_polymorphic([Engineer,
> Manager]).filter(or_(Engineer.engineer_name=='dilbert',
> Manager.manager_name=='dogbert'))
>       # eagerly load all joined-table subclasses
>       session.query(Person).with_polymorphic('*').filter(...filter on
> any table..).all()

let me see if i got it... does this mean that, in the a-b-c-.. mapper 
hierarchy i do not have anymore to use the selecttable= 
a.outerjoin(b) (and eventualy .outerjoin(c) etc) on each level, but 
instead use only one mapper (a) for everything, just having different 
query.with_poly(x) for each subclass x?

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