On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Well actually, in our particular case that's the behavior that we *do*
>  want; pretty much everywhere we've defined __eq__(), we've done it not
>  to redefine what it means for a==b, but to produce SQL expressions -
>  so in that sense __eq__() is entirely broken for its normal usage in
>  SQLAlchemy (as well as in all the other SQL tools out there using this
>  approach).  For this reason, internally we can't do things like "d in
>  [a,b,c]" if those are SQL expressions, since __eq__() evaluates to
>  true in all cases - we use sets when we need a collection of SQL
>  expressions where we can test for presence, so that their hash value
>  is used.
>  However, while Im not familiar with the internals of Python
>  dictionaries, depending on how they implemented it we still may need
>  to use IdentitySet and IdentityDict, two classes (well we have the
>  first one at least) which ignore the __hash__() and __eq__() methods
>  entirely and hash their contents strictly based on id(obj).   This is
>  because a "hashtable" usually stores items in buckets based on a
>  modulus of the __hash__() value; if two items are in the same bucket,
>  an equality comparison is used to locate the correct object.  If
>  Python's dict uses __eq__() for the equality comparison, we'd be in
>  trouble.  I have a strong suspicion that they do not (since I think we
>  would have noticed by now), and that they use __hash__() for the
>  equality comparison as well, but I'm not sure; and also not sure if
>  this is slated to change in py2.6.

All hash table implementations (including one in Python) work the same
way: first it looks up a list of key-value pairs by hash, and then
iterate through the list to find a needed key by comparing it with "="
operator. Thus __eq__ method _is_ used to lookup values in
dictionaries. So, this won't work in some cases:
1) when __eq__ may return False when comparing to identical (but not
the same, since Python always checks with "is" first),
2) when __eq__ may return True for objects we want to be assumed
different - in some rare cases when they produce the same hash.

Although both are not our cases (we always return True, and using id()
for hash guarantees they will never clash), I believe your suggestion
to use IdentitySet and IdentityDict is a right direction.

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