Great, I was just wondering. But glad to see confirmation. Yes we do
have a use case when the same tablenames cause weird behavior in
ORACLE. Below is a message from our DBA in response to hick-up when we
occasionally got:
"ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" error.

------------------ MESSAGE from DBA

Unfortunately it seems that your application is affected by the bug
described in the note 5686711.8 on Metalink:

Bug 5686711  Wrong cursor may be executed if schemas have objects with
   A session may use the wrong copy of a shared cursor and
   hence access / update data in the wrong schema if objects
   have the same names in different schemas and users have
   permissions on the other schemas objects.
     To avoid the problem always prefix objects with the
     schema name.
     If this should be seen then flush the shared pool
     so that cursors get rebuilt from scratch.

What happens in your case is the following:
1. you have many copies of your schema inside the CMSR database
2. you use different reader, writer and admin accounts to access
3. you use synonyms in your queries so the text of SQL statements
from different accounts is exactly the same.
4. Oracle confuses cashed cursors created by different users and
tries to execute a wrong one
5. since you grant select privileges on your tables only to relevant
reader, writer and admin accounts, Oracle returns ORA-00942 during an
attempt to execute this erroneously picked up cursor.

The fix for the bug is included in the patchset which
will be applied on CMSR before data challenges in May. The problem
disappeared several minutes ago because I have flushed the shared pool
advised in the workaround section of the Metalink ink note.
As it is not for the first time that Oracle has bugs leading to cursor
confusion I would strongly recommend that you modify your queries to
fully qualified names (schema name prefixes) instead of using

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