Dear list,

since I upgraded to 0.4.5 I found that my complete models stopped working.
I think the cause is the "owner" parameter when I define a table. Example:

> dns_supermasters_table = sql.Table(
>     'supermasters', metadata,
>     sql.Column('ip', sql.Unicode(15), nullable=False, primary_key=True),
>     sql.Column('nameserver', sql.Unicode(40), nullable=False),
>     sql.Column('account', sql.Unicode(40)),
>     owner='dnsdhcp'
>     )

ORM queries on that table fail with error messages like:

> InvalidRequestError: Could not find table 'domains' with which to
> generate a foreign key 

If I look at the queries that are generated I see that SQLAlchemy prepends 
all table columns with the owner's name. In PostgreSQL that would mean the 
schema name (the default schema is "public" unless specified). Removing 
the "owner" parameter made my queries work again.

I would still like to set the owner to a certain user so that when the 
tables get created they have a proper ownership. But that is not meant to 
specify the schema. :)


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