On Sat, 2008-26-04 at 05:04 -0700, Koen Bok wrote:
> Hey Iain,
> If you build apps with py2app it tries to figure out which modules to
> include automatically. If these modules are nested in some weird way
> it sometimes chokes. A solution is to import that module by hand in
> your main script (your-app-name.py) or telling py2app it needs to add
> the module in the setup dict (see manual).
> Good luck!
> Koen - madebysofa.com

Thanks! Can you tell from that traceback whether it is a module in SA
called logging or whether SA is trying to import the python core logging


> On Apr 26, 7:53 am, iain duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi folks, I seem to be having a problem with sqlalchemy and py2app, but
> > I am very new to OS X and py2app, so I could be doing something stupid.
> > When we try to build the app we get this:
> >
> > ImportError: No module named logging
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File
> > "/Users/bear/iain/booking-wx/dist/booking_main.app/Contents/Resources/__boo 
> > t__.py",
> > line 137, in <module>
> >      _run('booking_main.py')
> >    File
> > "/Users/bear/iain/booking-wx/dist/booking_main.app/Contents/Resources/__boo 
> > t__.py",
> > line 134, in _run
> >      execfile(path, globals(), globals())
> >    File
> > "/Users/bear/iain/booking-wx/dist/booking_main.app/Contents/Resources/booki 
> > ng_main.py",
> > line 10, in <module>
> >      from model_extern import *
> >    File "model_extern.pyc", line 15, in <module>
> >    File "sqlalchemy/__init__.pyc", line 29, in <module>
> >    File "sqlalchemy/engine/__init__.pyc", line 54, in <module>
> >    File "sqlalchemy/engine/base.pyc", line 16, in <module>
> >    File "sqlalchemy/logging.pyc", line 35, in <module>
> > ImportError: No module named logging
> > 2008-04-25 22:43:27.066 booking_main[457] booking_main Error
> > 2008-04-25 22:43:27.067 booking_main[457] booking_main Error
> > An unexpected error has occurred during execution of the main script
> >
> > I'm not import logging, and the only other libraries being used are
> > wxPython and formencode. wx is working ok.
> >
> > Any tips or even stories of success/failure would be much appreciated!
> > Thanks
> > Iain
> > 

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