On Apr 28, 2008, at 4:34 AM, Kyle Schaffrick wrote:

> I have taken a first stab at this to play with the idea and it seems  
> to
> be doing the right thing, the patch also contains some very  
> rudimentary
> tests in ShardTest that make it voom.

very nice !

> The patch adds a .merge_ordering() method to ShardedQuery that allows
> supplying an ordering function that will take a short (upper limit  
> being
> the number of shards involved) list of items and return the one that
> comes first. The type of the items is whatever you would get back from
> the query ordinarily. If you use it with an order_by that enforces the
> same ordering, you can get a complete ordering of results for queries
> that pull results from multiple shards.
> Example:
>>>> q = s.query(Person).order_by(Person.age.asc())
>>>> mq = q.merge_ordering(lambda l: min(l, key=(lambda p: p.age)))
> If you don't call merge_ordering, it doesn't do any merging and uses  
> the
> standard behavior of concatenating the results.
> "merge_ordering" is probably a crappy name, so if this gets any  
> interest
> then we can figure out what else to call it. One aspect I'm not sure
> about is whether or not merge_ordering's parameter should use the
> protocol it's using now, or if it should accept something more like
> "key" or "cmp" parameters of the builtin list.sort method.

so, lets name it _merge_ordering() to start so we have some future  
leeway on the name.

> Also, I attached a better version of the iterator patch that closes  
> the
> result object like the original code did, by hooking each iterator  
> with
> a call to result.close(). I couldn't figure out if this was actually
> nessecary because it didn't seem consistent between Query and
> ShardedQuery, but that may be for reasons I'm not seeing.

Well, in fact the result.close() at the end there is not really  
needed; when all result rows are exhausted, ResultProxy will issue  
close() on the cursor anyway (and if the connection itself was created  
with close_with_result=True, the Connection will also be returned to  
the connection pool).  So in this case its probably better if shard.py  
were using session.execute() instead of session.connection(), since  
this allows the Session to make the choice, based on transactional  
state, if the Connection should be a close_with_result or not.  I  
think the reason shard.py isnt doing that right now is because there  
were more paramters to be sent to connection() that ShardedSession  
adds, so ShardedSession would need a corresponding "execute()" method  
added which works in an analgous way to Session.execute().

All in all its a great patch and if you can make those adjustments  
that would be great.  Thanks !

- mike

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