Hi, I have two classes, Item and ItemId where one Item can have
multiple ItemIds accessible from its ref_ids relation.

I can do:

  Item.query().filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = "OP-10-47000")))

if I want all the items except the ones with an ItemId with ref_id
set to OP-10-47000 and I can do

  Item.query().filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = "OP-10-47000")))\
  .join("ref_ids", aliased=True).filter_by(ref_id="OP-10")

and I will get all the Items with an ItemId of "OP-10" except the ones
with "OP-10-47000".  This is great.  

However, if I flip the order and I do:

  Item.query().join("ref_ids", aliased=True).filter_by(ref_id="OP-10")\
  .filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = "OP-10-47000")))
I get the following error:

  <class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError'>: Select
  statement 'SELECT 1 FROM items, item_ids AS item_ids_1 WHERE
  items.id = item_ids_1.item_id AND item_ids_1.ref_id =
  :item_ids_ref_id_1' is overcorrelated; returned no 'from' clauses

I had the same error with the first query before I aliased it so I
assume that it's an aliasing problem.  How can I alias the
ref_ids.any() clause?

Yannick Gingras

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